Graduation soon approaching, here’s what you need

Graduation is just 3 months away and many students need to get prepared to walk across the stage and get their diploma. There is a list of things they need to take into account to finish off their final year in high school.

Jefferson High School graduation is only 3 months away with more preparing to do. The graduation ceremony will be held at Swanson Stadium, and Guilford High School, starting at 6:00 PM on June 9, 2022. 

There are a few things one might need to take into account to fully prepare to walk across the stage. The graduating class will need to purchase a cap and gown to walk the stage. They will also need a full 48 credits. Math (3 yrs), English (4 yrs), Social Studies (3 yrs), Science (3 yrs), gym (3.5 yrs), health (.5 yrs), plus any electvies student have taken. 

¨Students seem to forget that their electives matter. Core classes won’t get you to 48 credits.” says Mrs. Taci Juno, a Jefferson High school business academy counselor. 

Students must have also taken the SAT, filled out FASFA, and any AP students must have taken their AP exams to pass. They must also pass the patriotism exam and have all underlying fees paid.