Freshman girls volleyball team win J-Hawk invite tournament

Freshman girls Volleyball team. Top row: Coach Pinedo, Sophia Castro, Abbie Bracius, Dinara Shakh, Yamilet Contreras Gonzalez, Cassandra Enriquez, Natalie Little Mannager Reynoldo. Bottom row: Dalia Ramos, Itzel Vilchis, Kimberly Ceniceros Bottom: Autumn Bristol

Sophia Castro

It was a very busy week for athletes at Jefferson high school with Soccer, Girl’s Volleyball, Swimming/diving, Football, and cross country all having games and tournaments.

On Saturday the J-Hawks Freshman Girls’ volleyball team took on schools from around Illinois at the J-Hawk invite tournament, schools including Fox Lake Grant, Elgin, Marian Central, and Dakota played against the J-Hawks Freshman team.  The J-Hawks went on a 4-0 record putting them in first place and winning the tournament. 

The Freshman team was very excited about their win they received a first-place plaque that will go in the trophy case.

The girl’s volleyball team season is coming close to an end, On Tuesday, October 18th is Senior night for girls’ volleyball going against the Guilford Vikings at Jefferson. The Freshman and JV teams will play at 5 and the varsity team will play at 6. 

The final game for the Jefferson J-Hawks girl’s volleyball team will be on Thursday, October 20th against the Belvidere Bucs at Belvidere. Freshman will play at 5 pm, JV at 6 pm, and Varsity at 7 pm.